Pre-Paid Funeral and Burial Contracts for Medicaid Recipients You may have heard that you will have to “spend down” virtually all of your income and assets to qualify for Medicaid. However, there are some exempt assets that Medicaid applicants can keep and still qualify for benefits. One way that Medicaid applicants can keep some of […]
Where Do I Live for Income Tax and Estate Tax Purposes? Domicile vs. Residence Many Connecticut residents live elsewhere for a significant part of the year. For example, you may stay in Cape Cod for the summer, or you may go down to Florida for the winter. For folks who do not stay in the […]
Medicare Coverage: Observation vs. Inpatient Status On September 23, a federal district court in Connecticut dismissed the case of Bagnall v. Sebelius. A group of Medicare beneficiaries, the Plaintiffs, filed this lawsuit to protest the use of “observation status” during their hospital stays. Patients on observation status are designated as outpatients, even though they may stay on […]
Estate Planning for Parents of Children with Special Needs: Special Needs Trusts Estate planning is important for all families. It is especially important for those responsible for the care of someone with special needs. The cost of caring for someone with a severe disability can add up to millions of dollars over a person’s lifetime. […]
Help Your Loved Ones by Keeping a Record of Online Accounts and Passwords These days, we increasingly manage our financial and social lives online. Many of us pay our monthly utilities and credit card bills online as well as receive paperless bank statements. Much of our communication with friends and family is through email or […]