If you were diagnosed with dementia, what kind of care would you want to receive? Dr. Barak Gaster has created a dementia-specific advance directive document that addresses that difficult question. The document emphasizes patient education by outlining what patients are likely to experience in each stage of the disease. Journalist Paula Span recently published an […]
<p>Long-term care insurance policyholders were dealt a blow by the Oregon Supreme Court when it ruled that the state's elder financial abuse statute does not apply to their case.
Medicare Required to Cover Long-Term Rehabilitation Even if Prior Hospitalization Is Not Covered The United States District Court for the District of New York has recently ruled that Medicare must cover a long-term care stay at a skilled nursing facility, even if the preceding hospital stay was not covered under Medicare, since the hospital stay […]
<p>The government is spending billions to fund assisted living services through Medicaid, but government oversight and regulation of assisted living facilities is lacking, according to a new government report.
Nashville, Tennessee is a popular tourist destination known for its vibrant music scene and rapid growth. The physical makeup and offerings in many of Nashville’s neighborhoods are changing every day. No one is more aware of the changing surroundings than longtime Nashville residents and natives. Many report that the city’s growth has been at times […]
<p>Are you ready for old age? An essential and empowering book addresses the important issues and directs readers to a myriad of resources to help them plan for the realities of aging.
<p>Older parents are becoming more common, driven in part by changing cultural mores and advances in infertility treatment. But later-in-life parents have some special estate planning and retirement considerations.