Home Care

Time for a Change

We often say here at the firm that change is one of the few certainties in life. Depending on our stage of life, change can be exciting, fun, relieving, and anxiety-provoking. It is safe to say that change can be hard to endure. Older adults who have established their lives and homes for many years […]
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Dementia Tools at Your Fingertips

Caregivers for those living with dementia are all over the country. Caregivers range in age, ethnicity, geography, income, and education. While research theories have been done about what the large, diverse population of caregivers looks like and what they are faced with, there is one thing we know for sure. Dementia does not discriminate. It […]
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Have you ever heard of state “filial responsibility” laws?  Although rarely enforced, 29 different states have laws that require children to provide financial support to their indigent parents under certain circumstances.  In the context of long term care, those statutes could potentially result in adult children being liable for their parents’ sizable nursing home and […]
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Time for a Spring Clean

Springtime often creates a drive to clean out your home, your desk, your car and just about everything that physically and emotionally constitutes ‘clutter’ in life. In some cases, projects can be completed more effectively when help is enlisted. Professional organizing is a growing industry which aims to serve a multitude of populations, but can […]
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  • 693 Bloomfield Avenue Suite 200 Bloomfield, CT 06002 Toll Free: 888-822-8778