Estate Settlement

Who Ultimately Benefitted the Most from Marilyn Monroe’s Estate?

In the design work we perform for our clients, we often use various types of trusts.  There are  many things a trust can do including helping to address issues related to incapacity, protecting your assets from creditors, and avoiding or minimizing hassles related to the probate process after you die.  But one aspect of trusts […]
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The Estate of Prince – Valuation is Tricky – (Part 2)

    The Estate of Prince – Valuation is Tricky (Part 2) Last week we discussed how Prince died without a Will and several problems that that is causing in the process of estate settlement.  This week we consider another aspect of Prince’s estate settlement:  the challenges of properly valuing assets in estate settlement.   […]
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Six Ideas for Distributing an Estate’s Personal Property in a Fair Way

Unlike money, personal belongings usually cannot be divided equally after their owner passes away. For this reason, distributing possessions like furniture, jewelry, dishes, silverware, artwork, photographs or clothing is often the most difficult challenge in settling an estate. (Just ask Audrey Hepburn’s two sons.) It can help if the deceased person had stated in her […]
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Many of our small business owner clients enjoy having their children or other family members work with them in the business, and their “exit plan” relies heavily on transferring responsibility for running the business to those family members.  Frequently, however, these plans are made with the best of intentions but not properly documented and memorialized, […]
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Probate Attorneys in CT

Changes to Probate Court Funding in Connecticut Prior to the start of the State of Connecticut’s current fiscal year that began on July 1, the State’s General Assembly made some important changes to how the state’s Probate Courts are funded.  The new budget reduces state funding for the Probate Courts down to zero for the […]
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Digital Assets

Nowadays, we are all inundated with technology.  It can certainly be confusing keeping track of all the passwords and PIN numbers we need in order to read our emails, access financial information, or even to simply take out cash from an ATM machine.  That confusion is made worse when security concerns mandate that passwords are […]
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The Fight over the Personal Effects of Robin Williams

When people think about estate planning, and specifically about who they would like to receive their assets when they are gone, they tend to concentrate on the things that have a high monetary value, like bank accounts, investments, or real estate.  But dividing up cash or other liquid assets is the easy part.  What is […]
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Do it Yourself Estate Planning Can Be Hazardous to Your Loved Ones

Sometimes people consider estate planning to be a fairly simple thing to do themselves without the need to consult an attorney.  After all, estate planning documents are merely paper, right?  Well, although estate planning documents are indeed merely paper with printed words, there is an important thought process behind what should or should not be […]
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Estate Planning Done Right– Settling the Estate of Joan Rivers

This week we will look at an example of a celebrity who appears to have made a number of wise decisions in her lifetime estate planning.  In contrast to the complicated, acrimonious and all too publicly scrutinized process of settling the Estate of James Brown that we looked at last week, the estate planning of […]
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Estate Planning Gone Wrong – Settling the Estate of James Brown

As a two part series, we will look at how the estate settlement process for two different celebrities can illustrate starkly contrasting results achieved from their respective estate plans.  First we will look at the settlement of the Estate of James Brown, the late entertainer whose post-mortem family affairs have proven to be just as […]
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