
Dementia Tools at Your Fingertips

Caregivers for those living with dementia are all over the country. Caregivers range in age, ethnicity, geography, income, and education. While research theories have been done about what the large, diverse population of caregivers looks like and what they are faced with, there is one thing we know for sure. Dementia does not discriminate. It […]
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Respite Stays for Dementia Patients

Summer often brings to mind vacations and taking time off from everyday stress. Caregivers of loved ones living with dementia-related diseases know that caregiving can be a full-time job in addition to the responsibilities associated with employment and raising families. The Alzheimer’s Association really says it best on their page about respite care: “Caregiving is […]
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Oscar-Winning Performance Brings Attention to Early-Onset Alzheimer’s

Moviegoers and members of the motion picture academy were captivated this year by Julianne Moore’s performance as a 50-year-old college professor diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease in the film “Still Alice.” Based on the 2009 novel of the same name by neuroscientist Lisa Genova, the film has raised awareness of the realities faced by patients […]
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