When a person dies leaving assets owned individually in the decedent’s name only, those assets will need to pass through a court-supervised process known as “probate.” The primary probate for a decedent is conducted under the jurisdiction of the appropriate probate court in the state where the decedent lived. An “ancillary probate” is an additional […]
A prepaid funeral is when a person and/or that person’s family pay for funeral services and related costs while the person is alive. For many individuals, dealing with the financial aspects of the funeral and burial process is simply one more element of comprehensive estate planning. When someone passes away, there is an exhaustive list […]
One of the benefits of proper estate planning is to ensure that you, and your assets, will be taken care of even if you are no longer able to do so yourself. You may become disabled, for instance, and be unable to make important health care decisions for yourself and/or be unable to manage your […]