One of the primary goals of the life care planning we provide to our clients is trying to keep our older clients out of the nursing home if at all possible. Nonetheless, that is not always possible. And when it looks like a loved one will need to move into a skilled nursing facility, we […]
One of a family’s worst nightmares is their loved one suffering abuse in a nursing home or assisted living facility. Abuse can come from staff members, but a more common source of abuse may actually be other residents. Researchers believe that despite the prevalence of the problem, resident-on-resident abuse is underreported. A 2014 study by […]
Have you ever heard of state “filial responsibility” laws? Although rarely enforced, 29 different states have laws that require children to provide financial support to their indigent parents under certain circumstances. In the context of long term care, those statutes could potentially result in adult children being liable for their parents’ sizable nursing home and […]
Springtime often creates a drive to clean out your home, your desk, your car and just about everything that physically and emotionally constitutes ‘clutter’ in life. In some cases, projects can be completed more effectively when help is enlisted. Professional organizing is a growing industry which aims to serve a multitude of populations, but can […]
When discussing estate planning with our clients, we always explain the need to prepare for the possibility of requiring long-term care, and the daunting costs of such care. As Americans are living longer, more and more of us are spending a significant portion of our later life in a long-term care facility. These facilities are […]
At Weatherby & Associates, PC, we encourage our clients and their families to “be the squeaky wheel” and to never hesitate to advocate for patient rights for nursing home residents. That is one of the overall recommendations outlined in the 2005 Justice in Aging piece called “20 Common Nursing Home Problems—and How to Solve Them.” […]
Navigating the care of a loved one in a skilled nursing facility can seem very daunting for family members and friends entrusted with the role of advocate. Justice in Aging compiled a handbook called “20 Common Nursing Home Problems—and How to Resolve Them.” So far, we have outlined 10 of the 20 problems identified in […]
Many of our clients have approached us for advice about nursing home placement for a loved one. Part One of this blog explored five common problems outlined in Justice in Aging’s 2005 article “20 Common Nursing Home Problems—and How To Resolve Them.” Part Two will highlight five more issues to consider. #6 Forcing Family Members […]
When faced with long-term nursing home placement, countless individuals and their loved ones lament having to consider them in the first place. However, in many cases, the 24-hour supervision and specialized services provided in these facilities are essential elements of necessary long-term care. It is quite simply not always a safe option to reside in […]
Witnessing the struggles of a loved one living with dementia is tremendously difficult. Emotions run high when experiencing the changes in a loved one as they move through the progressive stages of the disease. These are very relatable experiences among a growing community of caregivers. Another very relatable experience that most humans share is being […]