Month: May 2015

Medicaid’s Gift to Children Who Help Parents Postpone Nursing Home Care

In most states, transferring your house to your children (or someone else) may lead to a Medicaid penalty period, which would make you ineligible for Medicaid for a period of time. However, there are circumstances in which transferring a house will not result in a penalty period.   One of those circumstances is if the Medicaid applicant […]
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Son Liable for Mom’s $93,000 Nursing Home Bill Under ‘Filial Responsibility’ Law

Some 29 states currently have laws making adult children responsible for their parents if their parents can’t afford to take care of themselves.  These “filial responsibility” laws have rarely been enforced, but six years ago when federal rules made it more difficult to qualify for Medicaid long-term care coverage, some elder law attorneys predicted that nursing homes would start using […]
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Digital Assets

Nowadays, we are all inundated with technology.  It can certainly be confusing keeping track of all the passwords and PIN numbers we need in order to read our emails, access financial information, or even to simply take out cash from an ATM machine.  That confusion is made worse when security concerns mandate that passwords are […]
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Possible Change to Medicaid Income Rules

There is currently proposed legislation being considered by Congress that would make an important change to the Medicaid income rules for married couples.  Specifically, if H.R. 1771 (114th Congress) is enacted into law, it would mean that all income derived from certain annuities, whether payments are made solely to the community spouse or paid to […]
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Oscar-Winning Performance Brings Attention to Early-Onset Alzheimer’s

Moviegoers and members of the motion picture academy were captivated this year by Julianne Moore’s performance as a 50-year-old college professor diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease in the film “Still Alice.” Based on the 2009 novel of the same name by neuroscientist Lisa Genova, the film has raised awareness of the realities faced by patients […]
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