Siblings’ Fight over Mom’s Care Gets Violent It is no mystery that siblings often fight with each other. And while childhood presents many opportunities for disputes, conflicts are by no means limited to the younger years. We see in our practice a common scenario of adult children engaging in bitter arguments with each other over […]
The 6 Million Dollar Fight Over George Michael’s Home and Estate On Christmas Day 2016 George Michael’s body was discovered by his lover Fadi Fawaz. Since that time significant tensions have arisen between Fawaz and Michael’s surviving family members – his father and two sisters. In the dispute amongst George Michael’s loved ones we […]
Gray Divorce- Estate Planning and Long-Term Care Planning It’s true… Baby Boomers are changing the way we think about work, retirement and, yes, divorce! Baby Boomers in general are more independent, more physically active and working longer than generations before them. As a result, Baby Boomers are living longer. Perhaps this is why there has […]
The Estate of Prince – Valuation is Tricky (Part 2) Last week we discussed how Prince died without a Will and several problems that that is causing in the process of estate settlement. This week we consider another aspect of Prince’s estate settlement: the challenges of properly valuing assets in estate settlement. […]
<p><span><span style=\"font-family: Arial;font-size: medium\">For better or for worse, our current culture is very car-dependant; in many places, cars are the only convenient link to the outside world. Unfortunately, as people age, driving can become more difficult and more dangerous.</span></span></p>
<p>All hospitals must now give Medicare recipients notice when they have not been admitted but are merely under "observation" status. The notice requirement is part of a law enacted in 2015 but that just took effect.</p>
<p>Even if you\'ve created an estate plan, are you sure you included everything you need to? There are certain provisions that people often forget to put in in a will or estate plan that can have a big impact later on.</p>
<p>The Medicare program has become quite complex over the years. R<span>unning afoul of its sometimes arcane rules can be expensive, and</span> expert guidance is almost essential. </p>