In the design work we perform for our clients, we often use various types of trusts. There are many things a trust can do including helping to address issues related to incapacity, protecting your assets from creditors, and avoiding or minimizing hassles related to the probate process after you die. But one aspect of trusts […]
Supreme Court Says Retirement Plans From Church Affiliated Organizations Not Covered by Employee Retirement Security Act The United States Supreme Court recently considered the issue of whether or not federal ERISA law applies to retirement plans sponsored by church-affiliated non-profit organizations that run hospitals and health care facilities. In a June 2017 ruling it held […]
Health care reform legislation has been a major topic of debate at the federal level for a number of years now. Current Republican efforts are focused on trying to change the Affordable Care Act that was passed during the administration of President Obama. Several months ago the Republican controlled House of Representatives unveiled their latest […]
<p>Sometimes seniors find themselves owing past-due federal taxes they cannot afford to pay. Although notices from the IRS can be especially frightening, there are solutions.
<p>With Republicans in control of Congress and the presidency, there is talk of eliminating the federal estate tax, which in 2017 affects only estates over $5.49 million, fewer than 1 percent of estates. With no estate tax, do you still need a trust?
<p>Medicare is offering relief from penalties for certain Medicare beneficiaries who enrolled in Medicare Part A and had coverage through the individual marketplace.
<p>Medicare benefits start at age 65, but many people continue working past that age, either by choice or need. It is important to understand how Medicare and employer coverage work together.
A recent article in the New York Times discussed the relationship between the physical exercise of walking and the impact of vascular cognitive impairment. Vascular dementia is the second most diagnosed form of dementia, after Alzheimer’s disease. It is characterized by damaged blood vessels which impair blood flow to the brain. Patients often are […]