Connecticut Care Planning Council Newsletter – February 2012

In this issue of the Connecticut Care Planning Council newsletter:

  • Insurance the Answer to Long Term Care Planning?
    • Long Term Care Insurance policies today are greatly diversified in their coverage. Home care, nursing home costs, adult day care, physical therapy, skilled and non-skilled nursing care are some of the services covered. Policies vary in price and what they cover. To qualify for a policy there are very stringent requirements as to your physical and mental health. Purchasing a policy at a younger age makes it easier to qualify and also provides cheaper premiums…
  • Working with Elder Parents in Planning Financial for their Long
    • It is best for parents and all family members to be involved in planning for future financial needs. The financial
      resources being used today could change drastically with the occurrence of a stroke, illness or onset of dementia. In order to plan financially for long term care, you need to know what the costs are now and what they will be
  • 860-769-6938
  • 693 Bloomfield Avenue Suite 200 Bloomfield, CT 06002 Toll Free: 888-822-8778